Wednesday 20 March 2013

Question Tags

Yaitu pertanyaan penegas untuk mempertegas suatu pernyataan (... kan, ... bukan)
1. Kalimat utama positif, tag-nya negatif
          Positive statement, auxn't subject?
  • Running is the cheapest sport, isn't it?
  • The workers must work night and day due to the deadline of the project, mustn't they?
2. Kalimat utama negatif, tag-nya positif

          Negative statement, aux subject?
  • Sheila hasn't known about the news, has she?
  • We are not allowed to yell at kids, are we?
3. Never, no, seldom, rarely, barely, scarcely, almost never, hardly dianggap negatif, tag-nya positif
  • The rules in the dormitary have never been reviewed since this building was built, have they?
  • You can barely tell who is to blame when an afair is happening, can you?


1. Auxiliaries :
  • am, is, are
  • was, were
  • do, does (verb 1)
  • did (verb 2)
  • have, has, had (diikuti verb 3 (perfect tense))
  • modal verbs
    eg :
  • The students are going to have a picnic, aren't you?
  • Your mother will come to my house this evening, won't you?
2. Exeptions :
  • Subject :
- everyone
- everybody
- anybody
- nobody
- no one
Diganti menjadi "they
eg : Everyone must finish the homework, mustn't they
  •  Subject :
- everything
- something
- onething
- nothing 
  Diganti menjadi "it"
eg : Something must be done on this case, mustn't it
  • Kalimat utama perintah atau larangan, tag-nya "will you?"
eg :
- Don't forget to write me, will you?
- Let me go, will you? 
  • Kalimat utama diawali I am atau I'm, tag-nya "aren't I?"
eg : 
- I am pretty, aren't I?
- I am not your friend, am I?
  • Kalimat utama ajakan (let's / let us), tag-nya "shall we?"
eg : 
- Let's go home, shall we?
- Let's not bother that kid, shall we? 

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