Sunday 7 July 2013

Elliptical Constructions

Merupakan penggabungan dua kalimat majemuk setara yang berpredikat sama yang berarti "juga".
1. SO and TOO
    Menggabungkan dua kalimat positif yang bersubjek sama.

Kalimat utama and + so aux subjek
Kalimat utama and subjek aux too
    eg :
  • Mrs. Darmawan teaches English. Mr Yanuar teaches English.
- Mrs. Darmawan teaches English and so does Mr. Yanuar.
- Mrs. Darmawan teaches English and Mr. Yanuar does too.
  • Helena was my classmate. Danny was my classmate.
- Helena was my classmate and so was Danny.
- Helena was my classmate and Danny was too.
    Menggabungkan dua kalimat negative yang
bersubjek beda.

Kalimat utama and neither aux subjek

Kalimat utama and + subjek auxn’t either
    eg :
  • Firman can not solve the problem. Farah cannot solve the problem.
- Firman can not solve the problem and neither can Farah.
- Firman can not solve the problem and Farah can’t either.

Kalimat utama (positive) but / while subject aux not

Kalimat utama (negative) but / while subject aux
    eg :
  • Mandy has done her work but we have.
  • They haven’t done their work while Kobo has.

*** Catatan
  • Never
  • Seldom
  • Rarely
  • Barely
  • Scarcely
  • Almost
  • No
  • Never
  • Hardly
Dianggap negative.
eg :
Children can barely pay attention to two different things at the same time and neither can babies.

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